Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Viva Las Vegas?!?!?

Greetings from Las Vegas, NV. I'm here in Las Vegas for my now annual attendance of the Exhibitor 2007 show (a "tradeshow for tradeshow people"). I'm here working on my tradeshow marketer certification (CTSM). After this week, I should only have a handful of classes, an exam, and a portfolio left to complete. I hope that this time next year I'll be reporting that I have completed my CTSM. Keep your fingers crossed for me on that goal!

As many of you know, I'm not a fan of Las Vegas. it's just so overwhelming with all of the lights, noises, and smells. Not to mention the crowds... ugh! It seems like there are lines everywhere! Alas, this year I am in a better hotel (my room doesn't feature any mirrors over my bed, what a bonus!) and I have met some very nice tradeshow professionals, which is cool. I don't do Las Vegas very well in groups, let alone as a single traveler. Seems that I'm not very excited about sitting at a blackjack table or in a bar alone. Vegas just isn't my scene, really. Oh well, I'll be home to sunny Seattle soon! :-)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wiki How Tos

As a part of my Google homepage, I have an RSS feed from Wikihow.com. Today's top article made me chuckle: "How to Turn Around a Bad Day at Work." While I'm not having a bad day at work today, it just made me smile because someone took the time to write a how-to on the topic... and it might be useful for when I do have a bad day at work.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Spring!

Happy first day of Spring, everyone!

Sandal season is almost upon us (yippeee!), and the green grass is beginning to brighten up -- so it's time to celebrate spring!

This is one of my favorite days of the year in downtown Seattle. You see, representatives from Pike Place Market are around the downtown corridor giving out free daffodils, and it really brightens everyone up... a welcome change to the grey skies and silly winter moods that we all get in, huh? Nothing like a free flower to make you smile!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Dog Days of Winter?!

So, March 21st marks the first day of Spring 2007. And yet, it feels like the dog days of winter are still dragging on... and on... and on...

More and more of us are feeling the effects of the Seattle grey skies and the drippy faucet that seems to have settled in over us. (Could this be my lack of caffeine and/or Starbucks talking here? I think not...) Alas, I know that sunny skies are on the way... oh if only I could have a glimpse of those sunny skies a little sooner though. :-)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

My Big Pet Peeve

[Begin rant] Okay, so I've got to say it: if you don't know me, please don't ever call me by a pet name. You know what I mean, "Honey," "Sugar," "Sweetie," "Dear," "Darlin'," etc. I'm sorry: you don't know me. I'm not your "Sugar!" And even if you do know me, you obviously don't know me well enough to know that I hate being called by pet names. Yep, I detest it.

Case in point: I went to a well-known bookseller on Wednesday to pick up a book. As my sale was being processed by a clerk who was at least five years younger than me, I was called "Sugar pie," "Sweetie," and "Dear" in the matter of two minutes. Hello.... did I miss when we became best of friends over the purchase of my awesome new book? Hmmm... Oh, and this is not one of your better customer service moves either -- it's okay to be friendly with me, but not that friendly!

So here's the deal friends, readers, family, and others: if you are not an older person, a Southern person (after all, it's a culture thing), a very dear friend or super-close family member, or a waitress at a greasy spoon in the heartland, please, please, please don't use a pet name with me. You haven't earned that right, and I'm not giving it away. Either call me by my given name, or don't call me at all. [End rant]

Thanks for reading. :-)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Lent: 15 Days In

So, for those of you who don't know, I decided to give up Starbucks for Lent this year. Yep, I took the plunge and gave up my favorite morning habit... no more grande non-fat no whip, extra stirred mocha and a (fattening) treat from the pretty case. So far so good, friends. I don't really miss the coffee or the fun doughnuts, but I do miss the routine... walking from the bus to be greeted by a nice Starbucks "partner" and having a warm drink to start my day. Alas, I've discovered that a packet of oatmeal at my desk, or a bagel on the way out of my house in the morning is far better fuel for me, and I'm saving a bundle of money. Nope, I don't miss Starbucks, and it hasn't been too tough on me... except for when my boss called an off-site meeting at Starbucks... I told her I'd go but that I wouldn't be buying anything. The meeting hasn't happened yet, so stay tuned on that one. Interestingly enough, it's the incredulous reactions from my Seattle-based friends and family. Yes, Seattle friends: it can be done. At least, for the last 15 days it has been done. Stay tuned for the rest of Lent... I know that I'll make it.