Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Yard Makeover

This past weekend, Lennie and I decided to makeover the front section of our yard, removing the four overgrown heather plants/bushes and planting hydrangea and lavender along our walkway.


The original plantings -- lots of heather (and a few weeds).

I hadn't realized how large the heather plants actually were... it took both of us digging and hauling in order to get the plants out. We gave three of them to my parents for their yard, and the three plants took up over half of the back of Lennie's truck!


Post-heather removal, just before we attacked the underlying clay with a rototiller.

Once we removed the plantings, we realized that everything underneath was hard clay, which required us to pick away at it with our new shovel, and then borrow my parent's rototiller to break up the dirt.

The tilling worked like a charm, and we were able to plant three new hydrangea plants as well as two lavender. Both plants have meaning for us, as I've always wanted a hydrangea plant (and it was one of the main flowers of our wedding). In addition, the lavender plants were purchased by Lennie this year during his annual Mother's Day tradition with his sister. I can't wait to see what it will look like in bloom, and am glad that we have something to remind us of family and great memories.



Final work product -- hydrangea and lavender all planted!
Want to see more photos? Click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see how it grows!