Sunday, July 22, 2007

As Seen In the News...

... Okay, so as seen in the Brae Burn Newsletter. Nonetheless, we're famous:

Wedding Bells. Proud parents and associate members, Harry & Beth Cummings report that their daughter, Jill Cummings, married Lennie Majors on July 14th at Bellevue First Presbyterian Church. Reception was held at the Bellevue Hilton Hotel. The groom’s dinner was held at the Brae Burn Clubhouse, on Friday evening, with 60 family members and out of town guests attending. Family members from Alaska brought 35 lbs. of fresh salmon that was prepared on the clubhouse grills. The couple left on Sunday for a honeymoon in St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. When they return they will live in Bellevue.”

You heard it here first: we're married! We actually tied the knot! It was a hot July day in Bellevue, with just the right balance of clouds and sunshine... (although, with nine million layers of wedding dress, is there really a perfect balance of clouds and sunshine?) It was a beautiful way to start our new journey together as man and wife.

I'd especially like to thank all of our friends and family who were there to celebrate the beginning of a great marriage. We're very blessed to have each and every one of you in our lives -- and we're eternally grateful for the impact that you've had on both of us. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.

I'll try to post more photos in the coming days of the wedding weekend... stay tuned!

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