Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Today Matthew experienced trick-or-treating for the first time. He dressed up in his Mickey Mouse costume -- perfect for the crisp, damp Fall day. After celebrating the holiday at daycare, we took him to enjoy the festivities downtown. Once again, the streets were packed, but we had a great time stopping by favorite shops, getting Matthew's photo taken at a local photography studio, and visiting the town's children's events.

We then headed home and trick-or-treated at a few of our neighbor's houses. While Matthew didn't necessarily know what was going on, he certainly made the neighbors smile as he knocked on doors and tried to invite himself in to their homes! Towards the end of the night, Matthew even helped hand out candy to other trick-or-treaters. What a fun way to mark the holiday!
Enjoying the festivities downtown.
Cruising around town in style!

Trick or Treat Miss Shelly!
Trick or Treat Miss Shelly! (Isn't this the part where you give me something?)

Matthew as Mickey
Enough pictures Mom! Let's go!

You forgot this candy!
Hey! You forgot this candy!

We hope that you had a great Halloween too!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

Tonight we carved our pumpkins in preparation for Halloween. This was the first year that Matthew was able to participate, and he certainly enjoyed working with the pumpkin "guts."

The finished products:

We're all set for Halloween -- bring on the trick-or-treating fun!

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Frolicking in the Pumpkin Fields

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny Saturday in the Seattle area. We decided to make an impromptu trip to the pumpkin patch since you never know when you're going to get another clear, sunny day in this area!

At first, Matthew wasn't really interested in the pumpkins; sometimes he was more interested in his sunglasses....

Eventually he helped us pick out some great pumpkins though:

After walking through the pumpkin patch, we enjoyed some time around the farm, taking a hay ride and climbing on the tractor. What a great way to spend the day as a family!

I love Fall in the Seattle area -- we are so blessed to be able to frolic on the farm and be surrounded by blue skies and green pastures!