We've been doing our best to keep ourselves busy this summer. A few weeks back, we took in a concert in the park, courtesy of the Duvall Cultural Commission. (Who knew that our little burg had a culture commission!) It was quite fun to enjoy a picnic dinner while listening to Celtic music by the river. We'll definitely put this activity on the "to do" list again. Later that week, we also had the opportunity to enjoy a movie in the park with Crystal and Jonathan. Outdoor movies are one of our favorite summertime activities... not only is the price right, but it's a great way to spend a cool summer night.
This past week, I took a business trip to Phoenix, AZ. Of course, I was down there during the hottest time of year, with highs hovering around 110 degrees. I was blown away by the Phoenix natives... as I was sweating away in my shorts or breezy summer dresses, the locals were walking around in jeans and long sleeved t-shirts. In my book, if it's over 70 degrees, long sleeve t-shirts should stay in the closet! :-) Nonetheless, it was fun to zip around Phoenix and to meet my new work team. Can't wait to get back later this year (maybe then I'll appreciate the sun and heat!).
I returned home to a weekend filled with Seattle rain. However, I can't say that I'm very upset by the rain... it's a nice change of pace, really. (And I don't have to pay to water my lawn this weekend -- bonus!) Yesterday, I got to have lunch and get pedicures with two of my favorite women. Today, we get to celebrate the marriage of Dwight and Melissa. It's always fun to spend time with good friends!
Hello again!
6 years ago