Sunday, July 18, 2010

Strawberries, Wine, and Mortorbikes

We've been blessed with incredible summer weather here in the Seattle area lately -- not too hot and not too cold -- so Lennie and I are trying to make the most of it. On Saturday, Lennie enjoyed the Bite of Seattle with a friend, while I tried my hand at making homemade strawberry jam. It appears to have come out well (at least it set up nicely), but we haven't had the opportunity to crack open one of the jars to try it out yet... stay tuned!

We went out for our "anniversary dinner" on Saturday night. The dinner was okay, but not "out of the park," which was a little disappointing for this particular restaurant. After dinner, we walked down to the Kirkland waterfront, where we browsed the booths for the "Kirkland Uncorked" festival and strolled on the dock for the "boat show." It was nice to watch the sunset and do a little people watching. :-)

Sunday took us to church, then we took my parents to the XXX Rootbeer Drive-in in Issaquah for a motorbike rally. There were some amazing bikes there -- from custom choppers to Harleys and more. I never knew that there were so many different flavors of motorbikes! It almost inspired me to become a motorcycle rider, but I'm not sure that we're really ready for that lifestyle... What fun to be able to walk around and take in the sights though!

So how about you, great Internet world, how was your weekend?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Today marks our third wedding anniversary. I'm proud to have Lennie as my husband, and I look forward to spending many, many more years together filled with laughter and love.



I love you babe!