Sunday, October 28, 2007

More Wedding Fun!

One of the best things about the time after the wedding is that we have been slowly getting photos from the guests. The latest set is now available online for you to enjoy -- thank you Aunt Anita! :-)

Silly Huskies!

I'm becoming a disillusioned Husky fan. I've gone from calling it a rebuilding year (for the past four years) to a rebuilding era. After the Arizona game, though, I have to say that I'm starting to question my loyalty to this year's team. I'm a tried-and-true fan, sure, but I'm also feeling pretty fair weather right now too. However, I think that Steve Kelley of the Seattle Times expressed it best in his article "Changes are Needed:"
The age of forgiveness is over. It ended late Saturday afternoon. Ended after Washington blew a 15-point fourth-quarter lead — to Arizona.

It ended when the defense allowed 535 yards and the offense committed five turnovers. Ended with a 48-41 loss.

Last week, Washington coach Tyrone Willingham speculated that none of his players could start for USC. And then those players went out and proved him right.

Turns out the Huskies don't even have the talent to beat Arizona.

"Obviously there are a lot of people who don't feel very good about who we are right now," Willingham said after the game.

This was a 24-karat embarrassment. Washington was outscored 22-6 in the fourth quarter. Last week, Oregon outscored the Huskies 24-3 in the fourth. Read more of the article here.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Now Hear This! :-)

I thought that I would put the world on notice: last week was a challenging and funky week for me. Tears may have been shed, frustration may have been vented, but it's all behind me now. It's history. Time to move on.

So, here's my pronouncement: This week, my friends, is going to be a great week. I'm going in with a new attitude and I'm willing it to be, nay, making it, a great week.

So, who's with me? Let's go and have a fabulous week!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where's the Wind?

So, this morning, the news media made it sound like we were going to be having an big wind storm this afternoon... complete with monumental power outages and a need for an in-home survival kit. Aside from some creaking and yawing in my office building today, I'm waiting for the epic storm. Did I simply blink at the wrong time and miss the storm? Or have my standards been raised after last year's actual epic windstorm, power outage, and cold? I dunno... but I do know that we can put the MREs back in the cupboard, the storm has passed for now, I think.

Bummer, I was kind of looking forward to a good storm this evening...

Friday, October 12, 2007

More Wedding Photos!

I'm very pleased to report that we have received the photos from our wedding photographers. I couldn't have asked for better photos! If you'd like to take a look, you can access them online at Just search for us when prompted. Enjoy! :-)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Lunch With Kool & the Gang

So, I work downtown, and today I was fortunate enough to hear the musical stylings of Kool and the Gang at lunch. Actually, that's a little inaccurate: I was treated to their musical stylings (and sound checks) from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in my office on the 16th floor. You see, in celebration of the grand opening of the new Sheraton Seattle tower, Kool and the Gang played the valet driveway of the Sheraton, and we could hear it all the way up in our offices. We did go down for a few songs so that we could see them "live." What fun!